Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

Hope you and Mrs. Clause are doing well. I know this your busy time of year, so I’ll try not to take too much of your time.

A lot of things have changed since I wrote you last. Something happened with my family and I got really sad and angry. My emotions made me so nervous that I started to pluck some of my feathers out. I didn’t mean to, as I always quite liked my feathers, but I just couldn’t seem to help myself. As I lost more and more feathers, I got even more upset, then I started to hurt myself. I know I was being a very bad bird, but I didn’t know how else to express how sad I was. Anyway, I ended up having to move into the hospital. I miss my family, but I really don’t blame them because they didn’t know what to do with me. 

But guess what? While I was at the hospital, I met a lady and she really liked me and she wants me to be her parrot and become a member of her family. I’ve been staying with her for over a month now, although I did have to go back to the hospital for a little bit. I’m trying my best to be a good bird and not pluck or hurt myself. Of course it helps that I have this collar around my neck that stops me from reaching my body (sigh!) My foster Mom is trying to teach me to take my frustration out on toys instead of myself. I’m trying my best, but I might still need to wear my collar for a while yet.

Dear Santa, for Christmas this year, could you work some of your magic and help me to be a better bird and not hurt myself anymore. I love my new family and I want to stay here forever. With your help, the help of my vet and my new family, I’m sure I can be a healthy and happy again.

All my best to the elves and reindeer.

Merry Christmas!



PS. Sending you a picture, Mom made it on Photoshop (I think she needs more practice!)

Letter Santa


4 thoughts on “Letter to Santa

    1. Well his progress is mostly due to this collar, but it’s allowing me time to try and get him used to directing his energy to his toys and not his body. However, it is still a little sad, he is so unhappy with it on.


  1. I just watched a show on Animal Planet tonight about a Quaker Parrot that almost died because it couldn’t pass an egg (it was really big but she did survive with vet intervention). It made me think of poor little Kosmo and his troubles so I’m glad to see that he is back home and doing a bit better!


    1. Yes, problems with eggs are a real issue with females, which is why I’ve always wanted males.
      Kosmo is at the Vet’s again, he is getting a new type of collar (I hope). He was also becoming very aggressive and at times lethargic, I hope it’s just his frustration at the collar and nothing more serious. Will update when I know more.


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